In Kenyan public schools, we have brother and sister schools. This means that every school has either a brother school if it is an all girls' school or a sister school if it an all boys' school. Kenya High's brother school happens to be Nairobi School. These two schools are only about 15 minutes drive from each other. The idea of such an arrangement is to get the students of both schools engage in exchange programs with an aim of promoting globalization from the community level.
This week we have planned for an AstroQuiz at Kenya High school amongst the students of the HOU clubs in Kenya High School and Nairobi School. Both schools are excited but none of them is aware that their celestial knowledge will be tested.
After waiting for the auditorium to be vacant for our group, we start our session at around 5.15 PM bearing in mind that we have exactly one hour to do our exercise. I would like to make sure that the students have a lot of fun but at the same time learn more science.
I encourage the students to sit in both sides of the auditorium and to mix and make up teams and then we continue with a space weather computerized game with all answers. The students have one minute to listen to the question and answer before the timer goes off and the system generated game gives them the result. If their answer is correct some sound of cheers id made by the system, while if the answer is incorrect there is a sad sound made by the system.
It was very competitive and every team that came tried to prove that they could win.
At the end of the session, I promise give them printouts on more solar system information.
The two teachers, on form Kenya High school and the other from Nairobi school finally address the students and thereafter we end the session
I hope we can have more of these sessions soon.
The trip was sponsored by America HOU and Pulse Health Care Ltd.