Friday late afternoon is a menace on the roads, there are traffic jams everywhere and it can take 2 hours to get to a place that will only take 15 minutes normally. I'am supposed to be at Kenya high school at exactly 4.00 Pm it is 3.45 taking public transport is out of question.
I ask my friend, Antony Wakoli to drop me at the school and luckily he obliges. We have 15 minutes.I'am very aprehensive, I hope I will not arrive late. The contact teacher Mrs. Holi has been a very good friend of HOU since we started planning for the program in 2006 and I don't want this to be the first time I disappoint her. It is very crucial to be reliable when visiting schools so as to earn the trust of the teachers.
Today, we are screening a scientific film. The movie is two hours long and the school has allocated us a limited amount of time. Therefore if I'm late it will mean that I have to re-adjust todays program. Maybe drop the screening, which, I'm sure the students will not appreciate.
As luck would have it, Antony, knows all the "panya" routes and today, we can need to use all the shortcuts possible. We get to the school at exactly 4.00 and are welcomed by the science teachers. As I wait for the students to get organized in the computer room, i begin to chat with one of teachers who attended the teacher training workshop in 2007.Kenya high has so far participated all HOU activities including the first ever star party at University of Nairobi. I chat with a science teacher who reminds me of the events and requests for another workshop and star party. I promise her that this will be organized soon.
Finally I am invited to the computer room, a new block of 30 or more computers connected to the internet. I am also at the school to help set up an interact club. After briefing the students on the club we set up the projector and start to watch Cosmic Africa with the students.
Its a busy day for the club members as they also belong to the wildlife club and their pictures have to be taken the same day. As we watch the movie, students live and return in groups of 4 to get their pictures taken.
The movie took pretty much of the time allocated, aso I did not get enough time for a question and answer session. I depart the school at 6.30 Pm after a cup of tea and sandwiches with the teachers. Its always a pleasure visiting Kenya High school.
This trip was sponsored by Pulse Health Care Ltd.